Saturday, June 20, 2015

Amb. Sanders Discuss Issues for the African Union on CCTV

Dr. Sanders on China's CCTV discussing the June 2015 African Union (AU) Summit and issues facing the Continent important for the Summit to address. She highlights that the AU needs to be able to better translate their resolutions on the ground, and also have a more flexible, quick reaction to both new and ongoing crises, and also add more focus to the African migrant issue. Click the link to listen to her comments on CCTV's "The Heat," news magazine show


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Dr. Sanders:Imperatives of Building Strong Africa Democracies & Spurring Economic Development

"Frameworks in the New African Security Context"
June 12, 2015 Keynote Speech
Ambassador (Dr.) Robin Renee Sanders
CEO-FEEEDS Advocacy Initiative
19th Wole Soyinka Annual Lecture
Greenbelt Marriott, 3700 Ivy Lane, Greenbelt Maryland 20770

It is said that every decade or so our world creates a new global order – as generations shift, leaders transform, visions change, and creativity and innovation force us all to live our lives better, longer, differently and certainly with more challenges. Today, more than ever, we need to address security challenges, abject poverty and the lack of development -- protecting in the course of these efforts, basic civil and human rights.

So today I want you to think like a leader in the 21st Century – think about both the challenges around the world, and development issues – both in my view are strategic issues -- needing more innovative thought, better strategic communications, and more partnerships as we move forward in the 21st Century.

This is a tall order, therefore since I am primarily before a Nigerian audience today, let's narrows this down to the practical – looking at both Africa and Nigeria. Africa's security and development landscape is much, much different than it was 10 years ago, 5 years ago, or even last year, and so is Nigeria's. I consider both these key components -- security and economic development -- fluid, needing our evermore robust, innovative efforts, action, and creative thinking.

Imperatives to addressing Security & Economic Development
So what are the imperatives? How and what does one focus on to have strong economic development in these challenging, fluid and sometimes very difficult times? African countries from Nigeria-to-Kenya-Tunisa-Libya-to-Mozambique, or better said from -- Maiduguri-to-Mombasa-Midoun (Tunisia)-Misrata (Libya)-to-Maputo --  and in between, are all grappling with these core pillars of today's policy challenges. The foundation we all recognize is good governance and addressing the needs and concerns of the people in a society, in a community. When neither of those is met, they set in motion, in many respects (not all), the security challenges we see today.

Factors Affecting Security
Let's take factors affecting security first and what might be driving the challenges we see today and then apply these to Nigeria and the Continent.

In my view, many of today's security challenges are all wrap-up in global demographics:
What do I mean by demographics – as my definition of demographics is an expansive on. I mean, everything that impacts outcomes and geo-political relationships – from economic disparity to population sizes and breakdowns by age and gender; world resource locations (where is the oil, timber, jobs, lack of jobs, etc., where are land and water resources; what role religious differences or groups might impact community or world views, or affect perceptions. In essence, what are the human, community, or country cultural differences of which you need to be aware which might be impacting security today.

Some examples

Let's look at some examples of broad demographic categories and then drill down from there.
-- What regions of the world have the most arable land and available water resources? Answer: Africa and Latin America.
-- Where is the most economic income disparity today (despite our own economic challenges in the US)? They are in Africa, Latin America, and Asia, with South Africa leading the way as the country with the world’s greatest inequitable income distribution.
-- What regions of the world have the largest growing youth and gender demographics? Africa, tops the list (in fact it is called the youth bulge on the Continent as you know), followed by Latin America, the Middle East, and parts of Asia (with Japan being an exception with an aging population, and China having both a large young and old population).
-- On women, if the numbers of women in the world made up a single nation, that nation would be the third largest in the world behind China, and India.xii   The Nigerian female/girl population is about 74 million.
-- Poverty, food security, corruption, lack of good governance, lack education and employment opportunities are also top of the list for Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia. What are the demographic figures in your country, in your community? If you don't know them you should, you need to in order to effect change as a 21st Century leader, or organization focused on well-being and giving back.
-- 43 percent of the world’s population lives on less than $2.50 per day, and in most of Africa it is less than $1.00 a day. In Nigeria it is $1.25 (about naira 290). Keeping in mind this means – in search of $1.25, not a guaranteed $1.25 per day. Sixty percent of your population face this every single day.
-- By 2020 1 million more people in the world will be pushed into poverty on top of the current 3 billion (source: CCTV  2014, Terryane Chabet report)i; globally 22,000 children die each day due to poverty; 1.1 billion children in the developing world don’t have access to clean water; and 75 per cent of the world’s wealth is in the hands of 20% of the world’s population. 
-- All of these demographics are important because they do affect geo-political and economic relationships, and world views which can be very different from our own.
If I am saying that demographics are strategic issues – and that is what I am saying -- then what are the specifics for Nigeria? What are the demographic issues that you need to be focused on that are and can further feed into the security, development and economic challenges your nation faces today?
Here are a few to put things into perspective.
-- Let's start with your population of roughly 172 million people – the 7th largest in the world - being both a positive and a challenge for the nation. It is a demographic which is both fluid and requires innovative thinking to meet the economic, social and quality of life needs. 
-- Unemployed youth & the youth bulge (10-35 years, will represent the bulk of your population over the next 5 decades) are next on the list. Do you know what this exact figure is for Nigeria in terms of numbers?
-- Currently it is estimated that you have 74+million young people in this particular demographic and growing. These are young people in search of their future with no current prospects.
-- Economic inequality follows. Even for those who find "underemployment opportunities," in general, the income inequality is great, not just in Nigeria, but as noted above South Africa holds the world's high stat on this issue. To further highlight in the global context, according to Farid Zakaria CNN-GPS 2014 broadcast, 18 people in the world have as much money collectively as 3.5 billion folks.
Think about that! So income inequality is another strategic demographic category to which you as a 21st Century leader/organization will need to pay attention. 
A few other factoids for you:
-- Where does Nigeria fall on the gap between rich and poor – 44 out of 86 rated -- actually one notch above the U.S. -- on easier understood Palma Ratio which measures this and has a slightly difference focus than the Gini coefficient which heavily weights middle come in its ratios.
-- You only have 17 million Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs), and in a population the size of yours that is not enough to grow your middle class, which is reportedly around 30 million today. iii
-- Nigeria has the highest rate in the world of school age children out of school at 10 million. A key stat given that 44 percent of your population is also 15 years old or younger, and 39 percent of adults cannot read or write.
Thus, these are both economic issues and security issues rolled into one supra-paradigm for the country. So the questions for this lecture are what to do, what does Africa do; what does Nigeria do? These are the imperatives that have to be addressed in order to counterbalance the escalating challenges caused by groups (e.g. Boko Haram, Al Shabaab, ISIL) which counter world goals using tools of extremism and terrorism to achieve them.
First let me say you are off to a good renewal. For Nigeria, you have  begun your initial move into a new "league of democratic nations," with the success of your March elections and the peaceful transition of power in May, as good governance, as I noted earlier, is the baseline from which to build and move forward
President Buhari has set out, in what I am calling, "The Buhari Doctrine," what his vision will look like. He has already begun efforts on security:
1.) Meeting June 11 with military chiefs of Nigeria's neighbors on Boko Haram (BH);
2.) Moving Nigerian Security Operations HQ  to Maiduguri;
3.) Supporting a Command Center in Chad, although Command and Control will be under the Nigerian Army;
4.) Recommitting $100 million pledged by former president Jonathan to the BH fight;
5.) Making his first foreign visit, after being inaugurated, to Niamey; and, also thanking Niger, Chad, and Cameroon in his inaugural speech.
He also made education, agriculture/food security, improving energy and health systems, and assisting IDP's as top priority development issues with fighting corruption being "pivotal-center" of his Administration. So there seems to be a chance now to contain Boko Haram. However, I also think that it is important to remember that Boko Haram is just as committed to its objectives and goals, and success might have to be measure in terms of containment and sustainability of recaptured territory.
Despite what I have laid out on the economic and social end, none of which is new, but which sounds awfully scary and insurmountable, there are positive things to build upon and to help and support the new President. Let's recap those positives. Nigeria is:
-- Africa’s largest economy at $510billion – making it the 24th largest  economy in the world ahead of such countries as Belgium and Taiwan;

-- Only nation having 100+ mobile phone (important tools for business and education innovation);
-- One of the Premier African foreign investment destinations  
-- New economic development sectors such as information systems and technology, continued growth of SMEs, and trading have all helped spur Nigeria to where it is today.
What to Do? What Can You Do?
Development, or lack of development, better said, are probably your biggest challenges, as noted above, feeding your security challenges. But, I would also argue that there are other things at play – intangibles that are hard to address such as a "clash of civilizations," on how groups like Boko Haram see the world. Our counter will be to make the current global context better with a focus on:
-- Poverty Solutions - combating poverty and its elements (hunger, climate smart food security, education), particularly for at-risk groups such as women, girls, youth, the disabled, and elderly; 
-- Use Information Technology to develop “work around solutions” to advance social change entrepreneurial and vocational opportunities as well as financial literacy;
-- Assist with smart climate/energy (renewables) to bring electricity/power to the nearly 120 million Nigerians without it today;
-- Help with the housing deficit. At present Nigeria has a 17+million affordable housing deficit xiv (if you are poor you are also likely not to have good shelters or shelter at all); 
--See infrastructure as a development issues as without adequate roads, rails, and water transport systems housing, business, and farming will all struggle; 
-- Work with the new Nigerian government to help improve transparency, anti-corruption efforts, and the capacity of government institutions to respond and support the needs of the people;
-- Be creative on education (include vocational and entrepreneurial, and help train and expand the number of SMEs and MMEs (companies with less than 5 people).
-- Assist, if this is within your expertise, with improving your country's health care system;
-- Participate in philanthropic efforts with the nearly 2 million internally displaced (IDP's) Nigerians affected by the Northeast conflict, and those 20 million Nigerian refugees in the 3-neighboring countries;
-- Keep in mind that Africans and Asian make up the majority of the 63 percent of world migrants today;
The majority of the above points are not just Nigeria's challenges but also for the Continent. Indeed, everything that impacts people’s lives and their social, political, and economic well-being, are for me, strategic-demographics-development issues for Africa’s and its burgeoning population.
These issues are even more important today as they are affecting those in their prime education, prime wage earning years (18-40yrs), and Africa’s youth bulge (10-35yrs) -- or nearly 600 million young people on the Continent.
Turning from Nigeria to the Continent, here are some additional back story strategic demographics to further provide perspective on just how critical these development issues are on from a Continental perspective, here are the other relevant figures in the back-story, to highlight what I was just talking about for Nigeria. For the Continent:
-- 75 million – current number of young Africans looking for work now, out of the 1.2 billion working age population world-wide looking for work;
 -- 10 million – number of young Africans of working age added yearly to the 75 million already seeking jobs/employment according to the African Union (Political Body of African States);
 -- 547 million – number of Africans living without electricity and energy;
 -- 227 million - number of hungry people every day who live on the African Continent;
-- 3 per cent number of African adults with credit cards; only a quarter of young African adults have accounts at formal financial institutions -- meaning the majority of Africans are still not connected in any way to the global formal financial system.

This being said, again all the news isn't bad for the Continent either, just like it is not all bad news for Nigeria.

Here are "The Positives:"  
 -- 7 out of the 10 fastest growing economics in the world are in Africa;

-- 31 of the top 1000 Banks in the World on the “This Is Africa,” list are African Banks;
-- 39 African countries are democracies or evolving democracies, using AGOA guidelines, out of the 48 countries in the Sub-Saharan Region;

-- 90 million people in the middle (or consumer) class, largest number the region has ever had, up by 31 million in last 10 years;
 -- 18 countries have GDP’s of 5 per cent or higher.

I have pointed out both the challenges and the positives because, as the global landscape continues to change rapidly, we need to ensure that the next generation of young Africans, young Nigerians sees, feels, and believes there are opportunities for themselves and their families. 

My Message for Today -- Lean Forward!
Remember to Lean Forward! As a Diaspora Group and take a look at the possibilities of what you can do as an organization, as an individual. There are a number of economic development areas I noted above where you can help turn the tide.

1.) Think about building more relations based on partnerships (country-to-country, community-to-community, people-to-people); and;
2.) Think about philanthropic contributions. Although improving, Africans fall behind in this area more than many other world regions.

3.) Think about the strategic long term to changes these development demographics, improve them -- or in the case of population help to build societies, communities where young people, young Africans feel: embraced, enfranchised, and most importantly empowered.

A FEEEDS Blogpost


[i] 9/19/14 CCTV TV live newscast, Miriam Kalma reporting
[ii] CCTV 9/19/14 live TV newscast Africa Live Report
[iii] UN Week 2014, McKinsey Session on Nigeria, Remarks by Director Richard Dobbs, New York Palace Hotel, N.Y.
[iv] U.S. Small Business Regional III Advocate Official Speech, July 10, 2014, Gallup Headquarters, Washington, D.C. at the US-Africa Summit Forum
[v]  2012 speech, Commandant Eisenhower Resources College, National Defense University, Washington, D.C. on occasion of ICAF College name change
[vi]   Nigeria's Palma Ranking
[vii]  Palma Ratio
[viii] human development report
[x] Nigeria current GDP at $510b
[xi] Number of Nigerians without electricity
[xii] NB: Libyan port city from which many migrants are departing Zuwara
[xiii] Speech by former Nigerian Finance Minister & former VP World Bank Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Woodrow Wilson Center, February 2012
[xiv] 8/2014, Former Nigerian President Jonathan's "Housing Stakeholders Meeting"; Nigeria Former Housing Minister "Housing Stakeholders Conference," 11/2014
[xv] 6/2015 Human Rights Watch Annual Global Summit, Chicago, Drake Hotel, panel "World Migrant Issues."


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Nigeria’s New President Lays Out “The Buhari Doctrine”

Nigeria's New Leader:
President Buhari
May 29, 2015 – date of the power shift, paradigm shift, political shift marking the New Democratic Dispensation for Nigeria and its people. May 29, 2015 ushered in in a New Nigerian President – General Muhammadu Buhari --   who gracefully, but emphatically laid out his change-agent strategies for Africa’s most populous country. As he spoke before an enthusiastic inaugural crowd at Abuja’s Eagle Square, it was clear that he was further outlining things he had previewed, in what FEEEDS® is calling “The Buhari Doctrine.” His speech was a mission statement, road map of where he wants the country to go, how to get there, and the fortitude required of the nation to make real, sustainable change happen. 

Buhari – after complimenting the statesman-like transition behavior of outgoing president Jonathan – kicked into high gear with phrases FEEEDS sees as defining statements as to how he will govern: “I belong to everybody, and I belong to nobody,” and the “past is prologue,” the intensity of these words were not lost on anyone:

-- Influence peddling and corruption will not be tolerated;
-- Post-election political animosity needs to be set aside so the country can move forward.

Buhari has been on a 12-year mission for change, which includes several presidential bids. So now the mission is a Government Administration with Nigeria in a different “league of democratic nations,” setting an example for Africa, and all evolving democracies. The Buhari Doctrine set forth focuses on the core goals of reducing poverty, improving political conditions and diversifying the economy:
1.) Strengthening security in the Northeast and relationships with neighbors in fighting Boko Haram. (Buhari thanked Chad, Niger, and Cameroon for being good allies);

2.) Improving plight of internally displaced by Boko Haram;

3.) Working on a range of sectoral reforms, particularly in the oil sector and on hot button subsidy issue;

4.) Re-establishing good education and health systems;
5.)  Encouraging the private sector to expand job creation for young people;

The inaugural crowd called Buhari “Baba” (meaning Father-Leader) as they reveled in the 4-hour historic moment -- setting aside momentarily worries about one of the worse fuel shortages Nigeria has ever seen.
Sensing the need to manage mission with implementation, Baba Buhari added the watch words "patience and time" to his inaugural speech to manage expectations from his countrymen and the international community as he will need lots of both to fix, correct, and improve challenges outlined above.

It seems President Buhari’s had truly taken on the father figure of the nation as his message was part counsel, vision, and a preview of his leadership style. There is a Nigeria he envisions, one that functions better economically, politically; where Nigerians honor each other; which has a vibrant civil service; and where there is discipline. Yes, he was a military ruler; yes, he came to power in a coup (1983-1985); and yes he was removed by a coup.  This does not diminish his inaugural message, his 12-year doggedness to become president, and his mission to be true to Nigerian voters.  He wants a mature democracy that includes action against corruption, impunity; and a democratic philosophy for Nigeria’s future built on transparency. Nigeria has already turned a page, deepening its democracy with the 2015 election, and May 29, 2015 transition.

One interesting take-away of the inaugural activities was they reflected the diversity of Nigeria. They were inclusive: regionally, ethnically, religiously, and surprisingly, to some extent politically. In attendance, were a fair number of previous ruling party (PDP) stalwarts, Muslim and Christian leaders, activists, academics, media, and captains of industry. It was one of the most inclusive events Nigeria has had in a while – an important early achievement of Buhari’s victory. Yes, sour grapes do remain within PDP, but some (not all) dusted themselves off following post-election shock, and behaved as conciliatory as former president Jonathan.

It would be hard for any fair-minded person not to support the notion of every Nigerian having the opportunity not to live in poverty or fear, providing there is no intent on harm, human rights violations, or abuse. Democracies are not about one voice, but "inclusiveness" (all political and religious views, ethnic groups, women, youth, disabled, civil society), albeit fairly, constructively, transparently, and without malice.

The hard part will be the first 100 days, the first year. However, there are a few positives which are worth recapping. Nigeria is:
-- Africa’s largest economy;

-- World’s seventh largest populated country;

-- Only nation having 100+ mobile phone (important for business and education);
-- Premier African investment destination;

-- Africa’s third largest middle class at 30 million;
However, the list of challenges, on top of security and corruption, are a lot longer. With this New Dispensation comes the responsibility to "lean forward" more vigorously to:

·      Reduce poverty, as about 60 per cent of Nigerians live on naira 290 a day ($1.25), with same number facing food security;

·      Address education. Nigeria has world's largest number of children [10 million]not in school; children under 15 are 44 percent of population; 39 percent of Nigerian adults cannot read or write;
·      Improve  health and provide housing to the 17 million without shelter;

·      Expand SMEs from its current 17 million;

·      Create 1.8 million jobs yearly from current 1.2 million to outpace poverty and keep pace with population; 

·      Secure energy-fuel needs, including rural electrification;

·      Focus on women and at-risk girls from education to financial inclusion as they lag on all human index well-being indicators.

 Changing any of the above will improve the life of the average Nigerian. The peaceful transition is just the start and we need, as the international community, to do all we can to support President Buhari and Vice-President Osinbajo to implement their positive mission for the nation.
A FEEEDS blogspot