The FEEEDS Advocacy Initiative, FE3DS, LLC Advising Firm;  & @The FEEEDS Index
FEEEDS & FE3DS,LLC website: http://www.ambassadorrobinreneesanders.com

Firm's FCP & Best Practice Statement at:

FEEEDS Advocacy Initiative: 
Welcome to the FEEEDS Advocacy Initiative, which works with and through organizations on advocacy, and as a partner organization on projects that address key global development, small business, democracy, human rights, support for women, and security issues, mostly, but not limited to Sub Saharan Africa (SSAfrica). It also publishes every 18 months the @the FEEEDS Index, that highlights key data on SSAfrica development and democracy issues and also focuses on data in sectors important to Africa's small and medium size enterprises or SMEs (e.g. training, access to finance & trade); the FEEEDS acronym(explained below), highlights these elements under its pillars.

What does FEEEDS®or the FEEEDS®Advocacy Initiative mean? FEEEDS is an acronym that encompasses some of the main global issues of today-- Food Security, Education, Environment-Energy, Economics, Democracy-Development and Self-help -- that both developed and developing countries are grappling with in order to address and resolve the challenges for the world community. All of these issues are also connected to human cultural communication and how we relate as people and as nations to each other, and how we build a better global community. The acronym FEEEDS®represents the first letter of each word or word-phrase of the Initiative, or the pillars of FEEEDS. The FEEEDS® blog, The Africa Post, (which is this  blog:  http://blogitrrs.blogspot.com/), includes articles and commentary on issues impacting the FEEEDS pillars/themes highlighted in the FEEEDS acronym as so noted above and further detailed below. The Africa Post blog is primarily focused on Sub Saharan Africa (SSAfrica), but will also address other policy and trade issues related to SSAfrica.

FE3DS, LLC Advising Firm:
Is a separate entity and is a business advising and consulting firm. FE3DS, LLC advises businesses, NGOS, boards, and governments on business strategies for SSAfrica. The focus of the FE3DS, LLC Advisory Firm is on business sectors associated with and work on or in the sectors covered by the FEEEDS Advocacy Initiative pillars/themes as described above since these are the areas needing the most business development in the SSAfrica Region.

There are a number of key global issues that affect both the quality of life and basic universal human values.  We have identified the ones most important to FEEEDS and have incorporated them into the acronym FEEEDS and work that might be done under either FEEEDS Advocacy Initiative or FE3DS, LLC. Hence the FEEEDS Advocacy Initiative is both the scholarly focus on the FEEEDS pillars and project work to address those; while FE3DS, LLC, symbiotically works on the same pillars helping businesses that are strategically addressing the same issues in their operations on the ground in order to improve the overall economic development in the SSAfrica.

The Pillars/Themes of the acronym FEEEDS:

Food Security = Access, Available and Adequate (nutritional) food sources. World Food Day is October 16; 6 million children die a year of food-related diseases; 3 million people in the developed world are malnourished (http://www.fao.org/; http://www.globaleducation.edna.edu.au/). Challenge: There is enough food in the world, but it is not equitably distributed.

Education = Universal primary education is needed across the African Continent specifically for young girls. International Literacy Day is September 8; 860 million people do not have access to quality education of which 66% are women; access to basic education for children has been dropping since 2000; 103.5 million children world-wide are not in school of which 57% are girls; a teacher deficit exist world-wide; and, reportedly 13-35 million more teachers are needed by 2015 to achieve universal education (http://www.uis.unesco.org/). Donor nations also need to include vocational and entrepreneurial training in their education programs, particularly given the youth bulge in Africa and other developing countries.

Environment-Energy = Linked because climate change and energy sources are connected and renewable and alternative energy sources will help protect our global environment. World Enviroment Day is June 5; global rate of ice melt is increasing; 5,500 children die each day from diseases related to pollution; nearly half the world population depends on solid fuels such as wood, dung, crop residue, cola, fossil fuels, etc. (http://www.worldwatch.org/). Hence, Environment and Energy are linked, and should be discussed together as we examine more options for renewable sources.

Economics = Macroeconomic frameworks must be transparent and credible so that the financial resources of a nation are used to develop the social sectors. In addition, plans for a developing nation's true economic growth needs to include a focus on encouraging job creation, income-generating activities and the entrepreneurial spirit.

Democracy-Development = Credible and Transparent Elections, Democratic Institutions, Freedom of Speech and Association are the hallmarks of progress, growth, and the Development of any nation. Democracy must be the order of the day in order to have Development for the future.

Self-Help = Self reliance and mutual responsibility are fundamental to development. Every citizen of a nation has a role to play in the development of their nation. The Self-Help pillar comprises where the work with and for small businesses, SMEs, women, and the Africa Diaspora fall.

Arise each day to make a contribution to your community or your nation: this in turns “FEEEDS” the world and our global society.

Visit our cloud link for:  @the FEEEDS Index -  to see key Sub-Saharan Africa polling data. @the FEEEDS Index is powered by Gallup Analytics and is done every 18 months, which allows for the most updated polling data to be conducted.

Click here for the FEEEDS Brochure summary or view below: