Monday, March 23, 2015

Ambassador Sanders Calls for "Free and Fair" Nigerian Elections on AJE & AJA Newscasts

Ambassador Robin Sanders, as a guest on Al Jazeera English (AJE) from Doha and Al Jazeera America (AJA) broadcasts on March 21, 2015 called for Nigeria's upcoming elections to be not only "free and fair," but also non-violent and transparent.  Sanders will be heading out to Nigeria for its elections and made these comments on both AJE and AJA respectively noting that the upcoming elections where one of the mot critical Nigeria will have since its began having democratic elections in 1999. The real challenge is for the Nigeria people to pick a leader it believes can address the security issues and the other social and economic challenges the country faces.

Click here to see Al Jazeera English (AJE) clip on Nigeria 2015 election  show

Click here to see Al Jazeera America clip on Nigeria 2015 elections:

