Thursday, October 29, 2020

Ambassador Sanders Keynotes Launch of New Africa Diaspora SME Trade & E-Commerce App "Kuueza"

In the recent launch of a new app, Kuueza," focused on US-Africa Diaspora Trade, Ambassador Sanders highlighted in her keynote the importance of both innovation and technology by small businesses in the Continent's development. 

Long having been an advocate for Africa small and micro businesses as well as technology uses since the mid-2000s, Dr. Sanders, who hold a doctorate of science degree in Information Systems, and Communications, noted that traditional sectors like manufacturing and agriculture are key and ripe for innnovation. It is likely, she said, that the most innovative ideas and technology uses will be add in the service sector.  

Finding and addressing local gaps in services and having stronger enabling environments, policy support and financing opportunities ,will be bedrock issues for many new Africa-based and Diaspora businesses coming onling in the next 5-10 years.  Furthermore creating new science and technology-based responses to healthcare, pandemics, and education and/or artificially-driven (AI & AR) or enhanced new and cutting-edge equipment, uses, and tools in these areas will also be key for the Continent's economic development.   

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