that the Continent is making progress with many more nations becoming evolving democracies and underscoring the challenges with fighting corruption, but noting the international recognized efforts that
Ambassador Sanders' also noted that there has been some backsliding in some African countries on the democracy front given the trend by some leaders to change, usurp, or amend their country's constitution to remain in power (i.e. referring to DRC's Kabila, Rwanda's Kagame, and Uganda's Museveni -- all president trying to, had a role in, or have done so). In her view, Sanders highlighted that Africa's Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) are one of the bright lights on the Continent as they find "work around solutions" to many of the Continent's economic development issues, and are helping address unemployment through job creation, and developing solution-oriented "apps" in key sectors like agriculture and health.
There was also a book signing event of Ambassador Sanders' "Legendary Uli Women of Nigeria," book focused on the importance of "communication expressions," of endangered sign and symbols systems, such as Nigeria's "Uli."
In addition to the speaking event, Sanders received a VIP tour of the Clinton Library and residence, where at the former, she was able to view events she had worked on when she was Director for Africa at the National Security Council at the White House, especially her efforts on Clinton's first Africa trip, including the historic stop in Ghana (below left); and, Clinton signing the first Africa Growth and Opportunity Act in the White House Rose Garden. Ambassador Sanders also presented to her Clinton Foundation host a copy of the book she had complied while at the National Security Council (below center) on former President's Clinton Africa Initiatives for the Clinton Library.
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